If there is something important and vital you must know about starting anything in life, it is that you don’t despise your little beginnings. Also keep your attention on the matters that are responsible for organic internal growth rather than trying to paint an artificial surface.
In the earlier days of Church, I used to do practically everything. I opened the service, took praise and worship, I taught, received the offering and made the announcements. Now, we had no sound, no instrument, nothing physical really. All there was was a Pastor, a vision, bible and people who were crazy enough to trust that God was taking us somewhere great and we kept increasing. God is faithful.
On one of those days when we were about 7 or 8, while we were worshiping, God told me to announce that He just gave us a keyboard. So I announced it and we all rejoiced. We released our faith for it. A few weeks after, I went into this great Church to worship with them and during the service the keyboard fell, that jolted my mind to our own, so I said under my breath, ‘Lord, where is the keyboard?’. After that service, a dear brother followed me and said God told him to give CLC a seed of money. I received it and prayed for him. It was the seed for the Keyboard and a lot extra. NO PRESSURE ON ANY MAN AT ALL. GOD IS DOING HIS WORK!!!