In your translation from one phase of life to the other, one of the things that you should be conscious of is the forgetfulness syndrome. It is actually unconscious and that is why you have to be consciously fighting it. I know you have a great future. I know God is taking you beyond your wildest imaginations but it is typical of God to start everything big with a small seed. The level you are now is the seed stage, it is the reason no one might recon with you now. It doesn’t mean you are a nobody; it just means people can’t recognise you yet. When a seed is in the ground, it’s difficult to know it’s there. People may even walk over it. People are probably stepping on you now but THERE ARE A FEW FOLKS WITH UNUSUAL ABILITY TO RECOGNISE GREATNESS EVEN WHEN IT’S SMALL. Few wise men who can locate a star even though it’s not the size of the sun.


Don’t forget the people that gave you your first opportunities, the people who gave to you even when there was nothing to see. The folks who went all the way for you even when you weren’t sure you were worth much. As you increase in life and you come across them, CELEBRATE THEM, HONOUR THEM, PRAY FOR THEM AND IF YOU CAN, GIVE TO THEM. I remember some folks in my life today and I celebrate them all. Thank you for teaching me, for giving to me, for counselling me. And to all CITIZENS OF LIGHT CHURCH FOLKS, thank you for believing in this vision of FREEDOM. We love you dearly and I am proud to Pastor you folks.


Welcome to FREEDOM!

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