As I stand here in this field white as snow, watching the endless souls ripe for harvest of the king, I am quickly reminded of you, dear fellow labourer. We may have never met and sadly we may never meet at least on this side of eternity but wherever you may be I send these words to you to let you know you are worthy of celebration.

You are worthy of applause and heaven does rejoice at your obedience to the call and is noting your faithfulness to the work. I know you may be struggling with your humanity, the many mistakes you’ve made in your bid to fulfil the will of the Father. I know your cry for perfection and the deep groaning for the removal of certain thorns, more importantly your seeming frustration at your kindred who instead of hands of hope, words of peace, a glass of cold water, a meal perhaps, an assistance when they could, choose rather to cast stones of judgment, stabs of betrayals, cut through your very soul with words of discouragement, draining you of the little drops of hope you have left. I tell you this that if God will not use imperfect vessel for the end time agenda of heaven, then he doesn’t have any other kind of vessel to use, for we have this treasure in earthen vessels and not diamond or golden vessels, the bible says. Every man of God at his very best is still a man with humanity. It’s just that the world can only judge what is visible to it. If your mistakes are visible, they wonder if God can ever use you. If they aren’t they call you a saint and thank the Lord for sending you. But the day they see it; ‘Oh what a devil he is;’ they say. 

There are two stones that look alike: the diamond and the cubic zirconia. One thing about the zirconia is that it usually looks perfect, no mistakes, no fault line but it’s usually a cheap stone. But the diamond is often with fault lines with a lot of cuts. Experts can recognize the mistakes made. This is very much like God’s servants. Many cuts, many wounds, many scars but you are priceless, Sir and you are priceless, Ma. Keep shinning. Keep winning. Keep the fire ablaze. 

If a wrestler in the market square removes his gaze from his opponent and focuses on the side comments of the spectators, he loses the fight. Don’t waste your emotions on these kind of people. When you fall, get up, dust off, turn around, and take a good bath in the pond of truth. By all means move on please and then leave your detractors wondering and gossiping while you continue with the harvest of the earth. The reward is not for the folks who saw all the mistakes and commented; the applause of heaven is not for the ones who stand on the sidelines of criticism, but for the ones who fight on despite their wounds just to enforce the victory the kingdom has given us on earth. Those who with blood and sweat, tired as they may be, keep dealing the blows of faith in the face of doubt.

Despite your weakness, I say Olé to you nonetheless. Despite the tiredness, I say Olé to you nonetheless. Despite your detractors, I say Olé to you nonetheless. I want you to know that GOD CAN ONLY USE YOU MORE IF YOU REFUSE TO ALLOW SPECTATORS TO DISTRACT YOU AND YOU REFUSE TO STAY DOWN EVEN IF YOU TAKE A FAULTY STEP.

Before a man is defeated he is first DISTRACTED.

Keep moving. Olé to you nonetheless

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