I sure know how sometimes, we feel like throwing in the towel especially when the vision on the inside doesn’t tally with the manifestations without. It could be frustrating. There were times I had gone to Church and for the first 10 minutes into my message I had to make confessions of “IT IS WORKING OUT FOR ME. THE WORD IS PRODUCING NOW IN MY LIFE. I AM MAKING PROGRESS. THERE IS MORE TO ME THAN THIS.” I had to do that because of the voice of the enemy in my head telling me we will never make it through, that we will never increase, that we will never be able to pay for this and that, that I will have to quit this ministry and go back to architecture. All sort of barrage on my mind but I just never stop saying His word. AND NOW I CAN SEE THE FIRST BLADE OF THE SEEDS PLANTED BEGIN TO COME OUT OF THE SOIL OF DESTINY.
When we started the work in the venue we are now, a dear father in the area, a man I love so much, out of concern for me and fear of failure for this young minister, called me and told me we shouldn’t use the venue we use now for Church. “Churches don’t grow on this street;’ he said. You are the 3rd or 4th Church coming to use this venue and they always leave when nothing is happening in the Church.” But I was too CONVINCED we were to use that venue. The first service in that venue, we were 6; the 2nd service, we were 3 and sometimes we were just 2 but I never lost sight of my confessions of faith and expectation of progress. To the glory of God we filled the small restaurant we started in and we asked for the bigger hall. It swallowed us when we moved in and it looked like it was a mistake. It was sometimes discouraging coming in and seeing all those empty white chairs. To the glory of God, this morning service was so full in the same hall, some of our workers had to stand up and yet some members were not even in Church. I KNOW YOU MAY BE 3 or 9 or even 40 or even 100, maybe a little more but don’t give up on the word of God. As he as shown himself faithful to many of his servants, you too will soon see his faithfulness.
God bless you sirs for giving to The Lord. Your reward is sure.